If you are one of those toiling millions suffering from acute depression, anxiety and stress, then acupuncture can serve as a perfect remedy. Acupuncture is a holistic method that can integrate functions of mind and body and balance all types of emotional distresses naturally and effectively. With acupuncture proving its success in the whole world, conventional treatments like anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills should be thrown aside. To enhance the overall mood of a person, there is nothing better than acupuncture.Understand acupuncture To begin with you should know what is acupuncture. It is the practice of inserting very fine needles into the human body to reduce all types of body pains and diseases. Incorporating its skillful techniques from traditions of Japan, China and Korea, acupuncture is simply the best treatment for insomnia, depression and anxiety. Acupuncture is based on balancing the body's "Chi" or "life energy" which enhances the spiritual, emotional and physical balances. Techniques of Acupuncture schools Acupuncture schools make use of a series of wonderful techniques to cure all diseases in your body. The schools use different techniques like acupuncture therapy with needles and without needles. When it is acupuncture with needles, it involves either manual acupuncture or electro-acupuncture. While manual acupuncture means massaging with hands in those places where the needles are inserted, electro-acupuncture means inserting electrified needles in your skin. For patients who are afraid of needles, the acupuncture schools help you with advanced needle less acupuncture techniques. These include Cupping Therapy, Moxibustion, Ultrasonopuncture, and Soft Laser Therapy, T.E.N.S and Acutron. Acupuncture for treating insomnia, depression and anxiety Acupuncture for memory poor circulation is an effective method. Usually poor circulation leads to chronic headache, migraine and nausea. Acupuncture inserts needles on various points of the meridian and thereby reduces all types of diseases. With improved blood circulation enhanced by acupuncture, you are also benefited with sharper mental clarity, enhanced concentration, enriched sleep, positive feelings about life and healthy appetite. Acupuncture is very important for treating insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Insomnia is a disease that prevents people from getting proper amount of sleep throughout the day and night. Acupuncture involves inserting needles on various points of the body and reducing energy blocked in the veins. This helps in sending a series of complex signals to the brain, which promotes relaxation and sleep. Anxiety and depression also lead to various mental and physical diseases in people. The needles are inserted in the skin, ear cartilages, fingertips and other meridian points to release blocked energy or "chi" from the blood. With the smooth flow of energy, all types of depression and anxiety get reduced instantly. Article Tags: Insomnia Depression, Depression Anxiety, Acupuncture Schools Source: Free Articles from By: Paton Jackson (407)654-8700
Why is Stress so Harmful?
Our bodies have a built-in response to stress that is a natural part of our physiology. This physical reaction, known as the fight-or-flight response, is triggered whenever we encounter a stressful or fearful event. This system is part of the genetic wisdom that protects us from physical harm. Throughout early human development, the fight-or-flight response was critical to survival. However, in our modern world filled with high-pressure jobs, traffic, and too little time, the fight-or-flight response is rarely triggered by actual physical danger. Instead, worry and anxiety, combined with living in a world that's moving too fast, prompts most instances of fight-or-flight today, and it's happening far more often than the human body is prepared to manage. Here's why . . . During fight-or-flight, our adrenal glands go into overdrive. The chemicals they release to deal with stress are adrenaline and cortisol. When chronic stress forces the release of these powerful hormones multiple times a day, the body struggles to maintain homeostasis, or balance, and the risk of disease rises dramatically. Here are just a few of the possible side effects of chronic stress, or what some concerned healthcare professions are now calling "super-stress": * Increased body-fat (even when you're not overeating) * Decreased bone density * High blood pressure * Inhibition of the Immune System (heightens risk for infectious diseases and cancer) * Muscle wasting (including the heart) * Insulin resistance (the precursor to diabetes) * Dry skin and brittle hair and nails How Do You Know if You're at Risk? There are a number of clues that can tell you if you've already fallen prey to the effects of today's super-stress. For example, stress stimulates the hormones that regulate the body's desire for fat and carbs. If you find that you regularly crave sweets and high-fat foods while at the same time feeling lethargic and tired, it could be attributable to high cortisol levels in your body. In other words, your cravings and sluggishness may actually be your body's cry for help. Here is a checklist of additional symptoms. How many apply to you? * Inability to tolerate much exercise * Feeling worse after exercising * Inability to lose weight even while dieting * Water retention * Symptoms of low blood sugar (irritability or anxiety when too long without eating) * Need for caffeine * Sweet, fat and salt cravings * Ability to relieve depression by eating * Chronic gastrointestinal problems (acid reflux, irritable bowel, ulcers) If you checked any of the above, it's possible that your body is trying to warn you that it's fallen out of balance, and that you need to get control of your stress now. Fortunately, there's a simple solution... Article Source: To learn more call (407)654-8700 for a free consultation. |