Hypno-puncture(Acupuncture and Hypnosis together.)
Acupuncture works on a physical level while hypnosis works on a subconscious level. -Hypno-Coaching
Hypnosis and Coaching together can help reinforce your coaching program. Detox ProgramsQuit Smoking program ~ Alcohol/Drug cessation program Consisting of a combination of any or all of hypnosis, acupuncture, health coaching, dietary and lifestyle review, detox. ~Two sessions a week for 2 - 3 weeks. ~Supplements are additional. Acupuncture can help with relieving stress, anxiety and pain during the withdrawal period. Acupuncture can help regulate sleep and help restore a sense of calmness. Acupuncture helps the body's own detox. systems by helping to improve the immune system, helping to strengthen and nourish the liver, kidney's and lungs. Acupuncture raises the endorphines ( the body's natural pain killers) which in turn helps with cravings. Neuro acupuncture targets the nervous system, helping to reset the nervous system itself. Neuro acupuncture may be helpful for those suffering with Covid 19 related issues such as anxiety, mental fogginess, unexplained pain. Acupuncture is simple, inexpensive, non-addictive and has no side effects. Hypnosis helps with redirecting negative thoughts to a more positive path. Hypnosis can help to facilitate change of negative patterns or behaviors through positive reinforcement. |
Personalized ProgramsWeight management * Detox from Addiction * Quit Smoking
* Stress and Anxiety coaching 98% success rate with patient compliance. Programs tailored to your individual needs may include hypnosis, meditation, dietary review, health/life coaching. Personalized
See Dr. Aitken's profile on Healthgrades.
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