Insurance accepted. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United Healthcare. HSA/FSA, Office*Telemedicine. Insurance does not cover Hypnosis or Coaching. Services Acupuncture * Life/Health Coaching * Hypnotherapy * NLP
4 Winds Medicine/HLC Wellness 925 WIlliston Park Point Suite 1003 Lake Mary, Fl. 32746 (407)654-8700
Acupuncture Relief for Anxiety, Stress and Depression. Stop living with pain and call today. (407)654-8700 Pain Free. No side effects. Insurance accepted. We now bill insurance for already existing patients with your tele-medicine appointments. Acupuncture is part of a complete system of medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, has been in use for thousands of years to help maintain health and longevity. Acupuncture is the use of very thin sterile stainless steel needles, inserted at specific points, known as Acupoints on the body to increase the flow of blood and energy in the body in order to promote health. Acupuncture Physicians in the state of Florida are Primary Health Care Providers.
Acupuncture facilitates the body's own healing abilities. For over 20 years Dr. Larahas been serving the Central Florida area including Greater Orlando, Lake Mary, Winter Garden, Winter Park through various holistic medicine modalities including Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Life coaching and Holistic Business Coaching for Women in Business. Needle-less acupuncture, laser acupuncture and ear seeds also available. Acupuncture can help with, Addiction, Pain, Stress, Depression, Grief, Anxiety, Back pain, neck pain, headaches, hormonal imbalances, weight loss, insomnia, allergies just to name a few.
Neuro acupuncture targets the nervous system, helping to reset the nervous system itself, also focusing on neuro issues.
Neuro acupuncture may be helpful for those suffering with Covid 19 related issues such as anxiety, mental fogginess, unexplained pain.
All acupuncture is medical acupuncture.
Needleless acupuncture is done with low level electric impulses that can be used in place of needles. It is a very effective treatment when done correctly.
Laser Acupuncture is performed with low level cold laser. It is painless and an alternative to traditional acupuncture using needles.
Acupuncture and Holistic Medicine can help with, ~Anxiety~Arthritis~Auto accidents~ Back pain~Cancer~Carpal Tunnel~Depression~Detox (Narcotics, Alcohol)~Female Endocrine System~Grief-Headaches~Hormone Balancing~Hypertension~Immune Support ~Infertility~Mesotherapy ~Migraines~Nutrition~PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)~Quit Smoking~Stress~Stroke~~Weight loss ~Wellness Care~Women's health Ear seeds also available. B12 Shots Natural Flu Shots Natural Anti-inflammatory Shots Injection Therapy, (Biopuncture) is injection of all natural medicines into selected acupuncture points where not only is the effect of the medicine is received but also the benefits of the acupuncture point(s).
Acupoint Injection Therapy is an excellent way to increase the potency of Acupuncture treatments. Homeopathic medicines and or Vitamins such as B12, may be directly administered into Acupuncture points as an adjunct therapy. Acupoint injection therapy is a viable option for treating injuries, inflammation, sciatica, anemia, fatigue, neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, nausea, endometriosis, bleeding, weak immunity, weakened facial collagen and much more.
Hypno-Puncture Acupuncture and Hypnosis used together. Acupuncture is performed first then we begin hypnosis while the needles are in. It is a very relaxing experience. Hypnosis works on a subconscious level while acupuncture works on a physical level. It is especially effective in dealing with anxiety disorders depression and weight loss.
Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This practice dates back over 3,000 years. The effect of suction on the skin helps increase blood flow, promotes healing and helps remove toxins.
30 min. Free phone consultation. Phone consultations can be scheduled either by phone, text or through the schedule appointment button. Credit Cards Accepted. Insurance accepted. BCBS. Cigna, United Healthcare. Humana, HSA, FSA accepted.
Insurance accepted. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, United Healthcare. HSA/FSA, Office*Telemedicine. Insurance does not cover Hypnosis or Coaching. Services Acupuncture * Life/Health Coaching * Hypnotherapy * NLP New U Coaching Blog click here 4 Winds Medicine/HLC Wellness 925 WIlliston Park Point Suite 1003 Lake Mary, Fl. 32746 (407)654-8700