A while back I asked what was one thing you wanted to begin but for whatever reason you have not yet begun. Have you started yet? If not, why not begin now, today? Take care your your health. Start an exercise program, go for a walk. Study a new language. Meditate. Start better eating habits. Take care of you so you can continue to be there for everyone else. I have been busy with telemedicine appointments and I know many people are highly stressed right now. Before things become too extreme, get care. I am open for appointments and there is so much we can do to help deal with the stress and anxiety of our current situation. Remember to take a few minutes out for yourself everyday. Breath, Rest, Reset. Telemedicine can offer you accupressure, tapping therapy, self massage, breath work, yoga, essential oil advice, herbal/vitamin/nutritional reccomendations, health coaching, hypnotherapy. There are many options. Telemedicine is billable through insurance and co pays are currently waived. Cash price is reduced right now due to Covid-19. Call 407.654.8700 Visit Telemedicine is billable through insurance and co pays are waived. Here is an article which goes over how different insurance providers are “activating emergency plans to ensure that Americans have access to the prevention, testing and treatment needed to handle the current situation.” Find the article here As the world around us changes as we know it, the most important thing still remains our health. I know it has been quite a while. In order to shift with the changing times to continue serving you with the best treatments and care, I am now taking bookings for virtual sessions.During these sessions, we will move through an acupuncture treatment together over a live video call utilizing the power of acupressure. We will cater the rest of the session to your needs which could include an herbal prescription, yoga, tapping therapy, deep breathing, meditation, nutritional guidance, or simply connecting in a supportive conversation. Not only are these treatments effective for continued care during a time of isolation, but they are also extremely valuable to those who are sick (including COVID-19) or have pressing matters in need of treatment with no access to Western medicine. I also offer Hypnotherapy at a separate discounted fee. Please keep this in mind for your friends, family, and community. I am here as a stable source for your health and well being during this uncertain time. Now more than ever we need to prioritize our health and healing. I am booking appointments immediately. We are able to bill your insurance as well. Please let me know if you have any questions or to book your session. Stay safe. I'm here for you. With care, Lara (407)654-8700 Covid 19(Coronavirus) Guidance. ~Self monitor for fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms for 14 days. ~Avoid contact with sick people. ~Delay any additional travel plans until no longer sick. ~Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer. ~Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Throw the tissue in the trash when finished. Download the Florida Dept. of Health Covid 19 Self screening tool on the Tele-medicine page. What is Covid 19(Coronavirus)? Coronavirus is a combination of viruses that can spread from human to human. It was first identified in Wuhan China, Dec. 2019. How is Covid 19(Coronavirus) spread? This virus is spread through close contact, usually less then 6 feet from the respiratory droplets of an ifected person's coughs or sneezes. It may also spread by touching the surface of an object that may have the virus on it then touching one's own mouth, nose or eyes. How long does Covid 19(Coronavirus) last? In general about 14 days. What to do if I get Covid 19(Coronavirus)? Stay home and rest. Avoid spreading it to others. Unless complications arise it should pass in about 2 weeks. Call your doctor for guidance. Who is most at risk for Covid 19(Coronavirus)? Those most at risk are small children, the elderly and those who already are immune compromised. If you're ready to find out how to boost your immune system and take charge of your health, let's get started. Click here. 30 min. Free phone consultation. Please feel free to call or text me with any questions or concerns. I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible. (407)654-8700 We can now bill insurance for Tele-medicine. I’ve compiled and addressed some of my favorite hypnosis myths to help clarify exactly what hypnosis is, and more to point, what it is not. Much of society’s resistance to hypnosis is based on false beliefs perpetuated by a fear of the unknown. I’ve compiled and addressed some of my favorite myths to help clarify exactly what hypnosis is, and more to point, what it is not. Myth #1 - Hypnotists have some kind of special power: Entertainment media plays a significant role in sensationalizing the word hypnosis. At the risk of demystifying the term, I submit that there is no trickery involved whatsoever. Skilled hypnotists operate from a basic understanding of humans and human experiences. The hypnotic state can be achieved alone, which refutes the point that hypnotists are somehow magical. It also suggests that anyone can induce hypnosis, either on themselves or on someone else. The real skill lies in how we use hypnosis to influence people. Myth #2 – Only weak minded people can be hypnotized:Interestingly, concentration is the basis for achieving hypnosis, and the ability to concentrate requires a strong intellect. The greater your ability to concentrate, the better a hypnotic subject you will be. Suggestibility is unrelated to intelligence, and our susceptibility to suggestion is not indicative of weakness or gullibility. The decision to accept a treatment or service that you feel will benefit you is a conscious, calculated decision, not an act of weak mindedness. Myth #3 - Hypnosis can only work on certain people: To this, I say, sure… if you really don’t want to be hypnotized, you can certainly impeach the process. Certain people will benefit more from hypnosis than others, because they are motivated to get more out of it. Your level of suggestibility cannot be altered, but your commitment and the degree of concentration that you invest can and will influence how much you get out of hypnotherapy. Hypnosis works for everyone. It’s the degree that varies, and this variable is entirely up to you. Myth #4 – You will be able to recall everything that has ever happened to you: If there is any benefit to you whatsoever in recalling certain specific times or events in your life, then a good hypnotist can help you do that. But typically, there is no real need to go back and remember the past. Hypnosis is a natural state of total relaxation. Regression is a different thing. Myth #5 - You can be made to say or do something against your will: Hypnosis is a natural state of complete relaxation, not a state of sleep. In this relaxed state, you become highly susceptible to suggestion, but you don’t become a different person. Achieving a state of heightened suggestion does not compromise your faculties, morals, ethics, or beliefs. Being hypnotized won’t lead you to say or do things against your will. If you’re asked to do something you don’t want to do, you will simply refuse. Myth #6 – People who are hypnotized become dependent on the hypnotist: Hypnosis when used as a form of therapy and carries no greater risk of dependency than any other form of therapy. While in hypnosis, you’re in full control of what happens to you. Hypnotherapy is a means of empowerment, achieved with the assistance of an outside entity. It’s not submissiveness, and it’s not a surrender of control. You have the ability to pull yourself out spontaneously, at any moment.Myth #7 – Hypnosis is bad for your health: The irony here is that the very essence of hypnosis is regularly recommended by physicians and psychotherapists. These trusted health professionals invariably advise us that we need to relax more, yet they seldom state how. When you are hypnotized, you are quite simply in a deep, natural state of relaxation. Myth #8 – When in hypnosis you could get stuck and be unable to wake up: Hypnosis is a natural state which we all reach from time to time on our own, without prompting of any kind. There is absolutely no danger of getting stuck in this state. It’s about as likely as getting stuck completely asleep, really. The worst that can possibly happen is that you drift off into deep sleep for a few minutes, because you are in that bridged state between awake and asleep. Myth #9 - You’re asleep or unconscious when in hypnosis: If people were asleep or unconscious when in hypnosis, they would not be able to report on what they were feeling. In fact, you are fully aware of what’s happening, and you are able to recall your state of hypnosis. Some describe it as feeling heavy, some light, others just very relaxed. Typically, the body will feel as though it’s gone to sleep, but the mind remains alert and receptive to the suggestion. Myth #10 - Hypnosis is the devils work and is dangerous: In the past I’ve heard some religious people refer to hypnosis as the ‘devils work’. Like anything else, hypnosis can be used for good or for bad, but it is left to us to find a trusted hypnotist. Hypnosis is a natural occurring state, widely used by respected health care professionals. There are lots of doctors who practice hypnotherapy. I doubt very much that they are in league with the devil. As with other unknowns, we quite readily make assumptions or suppositions about things that we aren’t sure of, and usually when we explore more closely, we find the reality is in fact quite different than the impression we had formed. I hope I’ve managed to dispel some of the untruths about hypnosis, as it would be shame to deny oneself the benefits of hypnotherapy because of unfounded doubt or false impressions.Source: Free Articles from
By: Barrie St. John Call (407)654-8700 for a Free discussion session about your goals with hypnosis. By Carla Jiroux Kaplan
If you have recently started a small business, coaching might be one of the things you've been considering adding to your business plan. You may not think you need coaching, but the fact of the matter is that you do. We all do. Coaching prevents costly mistakes, and this is a very crucial thing especially if you are working with highly limited resources. After all, each time you fail, you are essentially flushing money down the drain. Make the best use of your money by spending on things that pay off tenfold. One of them is knowledge. In a nutshell, paying for coaching is a highly useful investment because by finding out how to run your business the best way possible, you are giving it more chances to succeed. Take a look below and find out some of the benefits to using small business coaching. 1. Retain the focus of your business. Many small business owners get caught up in the business world and stop focusing on the things that are most important. A small business coach will help you stay on track. 2. Personalized training is another great benefit to using coaching for your business. Instead of reading a bunch of general business information, you will receive knowledge that pertains specifically to your business. 3. Business coaching helps you brainstorm to find the best ways to improve your business. This is perhaps the biggest benefit of all because it will give you multiple ideas that you can use to further your business. 4. Coaching makes your life easier. Instead of spending hours, days, weeks, or even months trying to get your business on track and start making decisions to improve your profits, you will have a business coach there to help point you in the right direction and give you a boost in the business world. Gone are the days when you have to do absolutely everything yourself without help. Now you can quite easily figure out your business with the help of a coach. As you can see, small business coaching can provide you with numerous benefits not limited to the ones above. If you are just starting up a new small business or a home-based business, finding a business coach is one of the best things that you can do to give yourself the best possible start. Most small businesses fail within the first year or so, so you should give yourself an edge. Article Tags: Small Business Coaching, Small Business, Business Coaching, Business Coach Source: Free Articles from (407)654-8700 Many people don't understand the new concept of life coaching. Life coaching is a whole new way to be successful in any aspect of life. So, how do you know you need a life coach?
Article By: Nicole Bernd Imagine a boxer in the center of a great ring surrounded by a roaring crowd. If you look in this boxer's corner you notice that he doesn't have anyone standing there. Turning your attention to the other boxers corner you notice that he has a coach standing there with water, and a towel shouting directions and encouragements. Which boxer would you place a bet on to win? A personal life coach stands in your corner and helps you win, helps you accomplish your much deserved success. A life coach will help your balance your life and a life coach will help you remove any barriers that are standing in your way. Imagine again our boxer. The boxer is training for a fight with a routine personally designed. The routine yields moderate results. The boxer decides to hire a coach. Now this boxer's training routine's results are better and faster then ever before. By hiring a coach our boxer has the support needed to speed towards success. This is what you can expect from a life coach. A life coach helps you find ways to accomplish your goals better and faster than you expected. Who wouldn't benefit from such a service? There is a reason that all professional athletes have coaches. A life coach will not only help you find a path to your goals, but they offer inspiration along the way. In order to determine how you can directly benefit from coaching try the following exercise. This exercise was adapted from The Life Coaching Handbook by Curly Martin. Below are some areas of your life that I would like you to consider. You will need a piece of paper and something to write with. For each of the below areas of your life I want you to write where you are not, where you want to be, and an estimate of how many hours in one week that you spend on each area. HealthWealthFamilyRelationshipsSpiritualCareer/JobPlaytimeAfter completing this task you should have a good idea of your life and goals. Do you know how you are going to get from now to where you want to be? Do you have a plan? Do you do something daily to accomplish your goals and aspirations? A personal coach will help you answer these questions and many more. As a life coach I stand in peoples corner offering support and encouragement. I wipe off my boxer's head with a towel and offer water to keep them in the game when they falter or feel like they can not continue. I turn the boxer with an empty corner into the boxer that wins the fight. If you are interested in personal life coaching I require that all new customers partake in a free 20min session so that we can get to know one another. This way you can learn more about my coaching style before making any commitments. Sign up for your free consultation at Source: Free Articles from (407)654-8700 By: Mathew Anderson
Detox dieting is the latest fad to hit the health and fitness circles. And because a detox diet can flush out toxins from the body and rid the body of waste materials and impart a spring clean to your system, thus attaining weight loss in the process, obese people are flocking to clinics to undergo a detox therapy or diet. The purpose of the 3 day detox is to purge the toxins from your body. Everyone is exposed to chemical toxins these days that come from food, water and the air. You even create toxins within your body every day from normal metabolic processes. Toxins damage cells and tissues if they are allowed to build up. Your body has a very complex detox system that works as best it can but modern research has discovered that it simply cannot keep up with the chemical toxins you are bombarded with every day. The Grape Diet works very well. With this diet you eat nothing but grapes, including the seeds, and drink only hot or cold water for about four or five days. The extract from grape seeds provide many health benefits, and the skins contain Resveratrol, which aids natural weight loss. Elimination of meat, fish, eggs, and processed foods containing pesticides, heavy metal, stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes for a few days from our diet can greatly reduce the toxic build up in our body. Consumption of purified water keeps the system hydrated and helps in flushing out wastes from the kidneys. Most of these detox diets are made up of fasting, drinking loads of clear fluids like water and eating mainly vegetables. Your system will get flushed out on a diet like this but they should be used for only limited time periods. Many of the necessary minerals, vitamins and nutrients for a healthy diet are missing with a detox diet and need to be replaced. Fruits and vegetables will be the mainstay of your detox plan. You can have up to three servings of fruit in a day and unlimited amounts of most vegetables. Do not eat bananas, potatoes or corn. If you eat peas, add them to your servings of legumes rather than counting them as vegetables. All of these are high in sugars and starch. Detoxifying your body is the solitary way of cleansing your body of these toxins. It is a natural process that, in the past, our ancestors' bodies were able to accomplish all on their own. Nowadays however, with poor diet and stressful lifestyles, many of us realize our bodies are overwhelmed and unable to cleanse themselves properly. The diet is now widely used not only for fast weight loss, but for detoxing the body, cleansing the blood and kidneys, making you feel more energetic, needing less sleep, and being overall more relaxed. A detox diet is a program that minimizes the chemicals ingested into the body by going for organic food. It highlights food like vitamins and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification. It also involves taking in of food that will aid in the elimination of toxins like high fiber food and water. Article Source: Lose Weight With Acupuncture By: Mathew Anderson Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders. The main goal of acupuncture weight loss is to stimulate the patient's digestive system. While acupuncture weight loss uses acupuncture as the main foundation of this process, it is always married with an herb regimen. Acupuncture points in the ear are usually replaced with ear tacks or ear staples. Thereafter, an adhesive is secured over these. Usually, the ear tacks or ear staples are placed exactly where the needle was. These should continue with treatment in between sessions. It is important to include a combination of cardio, resistance or weight training, and stretching or flexibility training, for overall fitness and a balanced body shape. Cardio training increases your fitness and helps you burn body fat, whilst the weight training will increase your metabolism and lean muscle mass and help shape and tone your body. While acupuncture for weight loss will help greatly by using your own body, you need to be committed and help yourself too; you need to stick to a balanced diet and try to have as much physical activity as possible. There are simple yet very effective exercises such as yoga and Pilates, which can be done in the comfort of your home, whenever you have time. Acupuncture weight loss treatments mean additioning locks-reedy penuryles in particular acne on the skin to help the body role suitably. In weight loss, acupuncture stimulates the body to liberate usual hurting-relieving chemicals known as endorphins. These chemicals are also known to be usual desire suppressants, serving you resist cravings and to paste with your diet arrange. Acupuncture for weight loss involves inserting needles in specific areas or points of the body through which endorphins are known to pass through, to promote calming and relaxing effects. Endorphins are also known to affect the digestive system, especially metabolism. Therefore, by targeting these points in acupuncture, it is hoped that weight loss can be promoted. Acupuncture helps you be more relaxed and gives you more energy which will in turn put a zip in your step and help you to be able to exercise more thus burning more calories. The stress relief alone from acupuncture can be huge boost to people who are prone to stress eating and that alone can help you lose a lot of weight. Acupuncture weight loss clinics also use methods such as light exercise, Shaitsu massage, proper breathing lessons, and information on body balance and flexibility as essential elements of a fully rounded acupuncture weight loss system. One thing to remember about using acupuncture for weight loss is that it is a slow process and you will have to have some patience. Acupuncture overall can bring on a lifestyle change that will help you lose weight and keep it off. This is a natural method of losing weight that is not harmful to you and should be tried by anyone who has a few extra pounds they need to take off. Article Source: Call to learn more and for a free consultation. (407)654-8700 Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that encourages natural lower back pain relief while healing and improving body functions. This treatment is administered by insertion and manipulation of hair thin needles into the body and by applying electric stimulation at particular acupuncture points. This procedure is widely used today in the west as a solution for pain relief for the back. How the procedure works The typical Chinese medicine explanation for acupuncture is that is relays energy in regular modes through and over the body’s surface. These channels act like streams of water flowing through the body to hydrate and nourish the cells and tissues. A hindrance to the free movement of the energies behaves like a blocked dam. These channels can be influenced by inserting needles that help unblock the "dam" blockages and reinstate the regular flow of energies through the channels. This procedure helps correct imbalances in digestion, energy production activities, absorption, and the overall energy circulation through the channels. It is scientifically explained that acupuncture needle points stimulate the nervous system releasing chemicals to the muscles of the spinal cord and brain resulting in pain relief for the back. The chemicals work by changing the whole pain experience or trigger the release of other hormones and chemicals that influence the body’s internal regulating system. In the end, the body’s natural healing abilities are enhanced promoting ones overall well being. Conditions best suited to treat with acupuncture The procedure is performed by specially trained practitioners either as stand alone form of treatment or in combination with other methods of treating lower back pain. This treatment influences three major areas of an individual’s health; these include illness prevention, treatment of various conditions and promotion of the overall health. This treatment is related to lower back pain control while it has broader medical applications that can be explained in clearer details by an acupuncture practitioner. These are: Menstrual, urinary, and reproductive disorders Respiratory conditions like sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, recurrent chest infections, and asthma Digestive tract conditions like , diarrhea, spastic, colon gastritis, and hyper-acidity Muscular and neurological disorders that include headaches, neck pains, lower back pain frozen shoulder, facial tics, sciatica, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and various forms of tendinitis. Emotional and tension related physical problems. Benefits in pain relief for the back When one is looking for pain relief for the back, then they may consider acupuncture which has a track record running over 2000 years. The procedure relaxes the body muscles relieving lower back pain while stimulating the body to heal itself. Daily stresses accrued to the body through lack of exercise trauma and poor diet weaken the immune system leaving one susceptible to illnesses and bodily pains and aches. Acupuncture helps in improving blood circulation removing blockages to the affected areas that are functioning insufficiently and easing lower back pain. Pregnancy discomfort consisting of pelvic and lower back pain are also treated effectively with acupuncture. Studies have shown that about 25% of pregnant women seek medical attention for lower back pain related to pregnancy. The basic treatment given that may include physical therapy has proved to be effective in relieving lower back pain during pregnancy and after delivery. Acupuncture is a great alternative to conventional treatments for pain relief for the back and has very limited risks to it. Visit our By: Christina Marino (407)654-8700 Like us on Facebook. |